We invest.

Real Estate

EUR 1,01 billion

market value of managed real estate assets



professionals build and service our data networks

Financial Services

500 000+

clients satisfied with our services

Real Estate

Financial Services


Real Estate

We focus on investments in long-term perspective and income-earning interesting real estate projects. When deciding about the acquisition we always consider sustainability, location of the project and its potential for further development. Our services include a full range of real estate market activities. We diligently manage the entire process starting with real estate development up to property management as well as retail leasing and sales to end customers through DRFG Home.

EUR 1.01 billion

market value of managed real estate assets

325 713 m²

leasable area in the Czech Republic and Poland

Financial Services

We actively develop financial services sector. Our team consists of top experts in financial analysis and financial law; we also have a team of experienced professionals in the distribution of financial services. We focus on new technologies, digitization and online environment. We strive to offer an innovative and modern approach that reflects current trends and needs of our clients.

500 000+

clients satisfied with our services


experts and specialists care for your investments


We specialize in telecommunications infrastructure investments in the Central and Western European regions. The activities of Suntel Group encompass construction, modernisation and servicing of telecommunications networks for leading global operators, in such countries as Germany, Austria or Switzerland. In 2019, FibreNet, a company operating fibre optic infrastructure in Slovakia, was added to our portfolio.


5 countries

in which Suntel Group operates

700+ professionals

build and service our mobile and data networks

Our Values